Cellular Support

Cellular Support™ is a selected blend of nature’s most refined nutritive foods prepared and presented in its most organic form.

Cellular-Support-Banner , Cellular Support

Greens Best Cellular Support Blend is an synergetic blend of highly nutritious and harmonizing herbs, fruits and vegetables. Supporting the optimal functionality of self on a cellular level. The core of our existence is based on our cellular health. Cellular Support helps maintain and restore healthy cellular functionality through its nurturing, detoxifying and harmonizing effects. A common condition in our modern day society, caused by the poor consumption of nutrients or nutrient dense foods. Our goal with the Blood Sugar Support blend is to provide the necessary resources for the body to achieve total wellness and overcome such imbalances. This unique product utilizes the formulation concept of the ancient traditions to treat the root cause(s) of our physical, as well as emotional imbalances. The ingredients are specially selected for their efficacy and compatibility with the other ingredients. In doing so we have a harmonious blend of nutrition and balance to the ones using this blood sugar support product.

  • Detoxifies the tissues*
  • Supports Cellular Regeneration*
  • Provides Nutrition for Optimal Cellular Functionality*

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Greens Best Cellular Support BlendSpoonful-CTA


This Cellular Support Blend by Green’s Best is a unique blend of formidable ingredients to bring harmony and balance to the body through a nine step method.

9 Step Method

1. Detoxification (most effective herbs to support cellular detoxification)*

2. Cellular Nutrition (primal nutrition for cellular rejuvenation and fortification)*

3. Pure Nutrition (purest vegetable source for nutrition and alkalinity)*

4. Immune Support (restorative supplementation for healthy immunity)*

5. Antioxidant (prevention of oxidative stress conditions)*

6. Elimination (elimination of accumulated toxins)*

7. Rejuvenation (rejuvenates the functionality of bodily functions)*

8. Catabolic Functionality (enhances the effective breakdown of nutritive foods)

9. Digestive Harmony (maintains and support a healthy digestive environment)*

Great key factors Cellular Support Blend

checks  Great Taste

checks  Includes 10 Effective detoxifying ingredients

checks  Contains 12 Servings of Fruits and Vegetables

checks  Contains at least 70 % Organic Ingredients, other ingredients are Wild crafted (untouched ingredients from nature)

checks  Alkaline greens super-food, which help balance the body’s acidic pH levels*

checks  Supports natural detoxification and boosting of immune system*

checks  Helps boost energy, vitality, and stamina*

checks  Dairy – Free Probiotics blend to support digestion and immunity*

checks  Enzymes to aid digestion and absorption*

checks  Power packed with a powerful antioxidant blend

What is really in our special blended formula?

  • No fillers (fillers can prevent proper absorption of nutrients)
  • All natural ingredients
  • Made in USA

  • Made in a GMP Certified facility
  • Ingredients are tested in accordance to FDA Standards and Requirements
  • Formulation based on Principles of Ayurveda and Oriental Medicine


Cellular Support Blend

Health Benefits

  • Supports cellular rejuvenation*
  • Helps maintain and restore proper alkalinity*
  • Detoxifies tissue and helps remove heavy metals*
  • Helps maintain healthy liver functions*
  • Supports healthy vision*
  • Helps maintain healthy blood levels*
  • Keeps the blood clean*
  • Relieves body and joint stiffness*
  • Helps reduce inflammation*
  • Supports healthy energy levels*
  • Helps boost the Immune System*
  • Provides primal anti-aging nutrients*
  • Supports a healthy nervous system*
  • Reduces stress levels*
  • Removes oxidative stress disorders*
  • Restores vigor and vitality*




The formulation principles

The basis of this Cellular Support formula by Green’s Best is to support the cycles of the physical body as well as the mental and emotional self, which nourishes the body. Our theory focuses on providing nutrients for the Five major Organs as well as the Five supportive Organs. In doing so we help prevent imbalances caused by the insufficiencies of these organs. Such insufficiencies are as follows:

The Ingredients

Cellular Herbal Blend – Proprietary 2350 mgBlends-CTA

Soursop Leaf Powder, Selaginella Plant Powder, Turmeric Root Extract, Green Tea Leaf Extract, Guggul Oleo-Resin Powder, Aloe Vera Leaf Extract, Wormwood Herb Powder, Nattokinase, Kelp Powder, Sargassum Seaweed Powder.

Organic Greens Blend – Proprietary 1540 mg

Organic Barley Grass Juice Powder, Organic Chlorella Cracked Cell Wall Powder, Organic Spirulina Algae Powder

Organic Vegetable Blend – Proprietary 2000 mg

Organic Asparagus Root Powder, Organic Broccoli Sprouts Powder, Organic Collards Leaf Powder, Organic Spinach Leaf Powder, Organic Cauliflower Powder, Organic Parsley Leaf Powder, Organic Ginger Root Powder.

Immuno Support Blend – Proprietary 1450 mg

Reishi Mushroom Powder, Turkey Tails Mushroom Powder, Cordyceps Mushroom Powder, Maitake Mushroom Powder, Shiitake Mushroom Powder.

Antioxidant Berry Blend – Proprietary 1000 mg

Amla Fruit Powder, Lycium Fruit Powder, Cabbage Palm Fruit Powder, Bilberry Fruit Powder, Blueberry Fruit Powder

Fiber Blend – Proprietary 1000 mg

Oat Beta Glucan, Apple Pectin Powder, Brown Rice Bran, Flax Seed Powder.

Rejuvenation Blend – Proprietary 850 mg

Ashwagandha Root Powder, Astragalus Root Powder, Eleuthero Root Powder.

Enzyme Blend – Proprietary 400 mgOrderNow-CTA

Bromelain, Papain, Amylase, Lipase, Protease, Pancreatin Powder.

Non Dairy Probiotic Blend – Proprietary 300 mg

Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Streptococcus Thermophilus, Lactobacillus Bifidum, Bifidobacterium Brevis, Lactobacillus Bulgaricus

Other Ingredients: Natural Spearmint Flavors.

Ingredient benefits

Soursop Leaf Powder

Soursop is a native fruit to the Caribbean and South America. It is highly regarded as a summertime refreshing fruit, which is also used to make beverages. It is sweet and sour in taste with its own unique aroma. The leaves of the plant is used as a folk remedy for supporting healthy sleep patterns. It is also a detoxification remedy. It is rich in antioxidants, vitamins B and C so it also supports a healthy immune system.


  • “Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin”; Genotoxic and Cytotoxic Effects Produced by Acetogenins Obtained from Annona Cherimola Mill; K.García-Aguirre, et al.; December 2003
  • “Journal of Natural Products”; Montacin and Cis-montacin, Two New Cytotoxic Monotetrahydrofuran Annonaceous Acetogenins from Annona Montana; C. Liaw, et al.; November 2004

Selaginella Plant Powder

Known as the “resurrection plant”, this plant is quite common to Oriental medicine. It has been used to relieve symptoms of toxicity, throat, and mouth soreness as well as imbalances of the liver. Its nature is sweet, bitter, and cold, hence its ability to eliminate internal toxins and heat symptoms.

Turmeric Root Extract

Many studies have shown that Turmeric can provide major benefits to your body and brain. Turmeric is not only high in antioxidants, it has powerful anti-inflammatory effects as well. Its use is very common for its healing abilities and its tasty flavor.

Supports and Helps:feel-healthypsd

  • Cognitive Awareness*
  • Enhance Learning Abilities*
  • Reduce Inflammation*
  • Enhance Mobility*
  • Healthy Muscles and Joints*
  • Healthy Liver Functions*
  • Proper Digestion*
  • Healthy Vision*


Green Tea Leaf Extract

Green Tea is loaded with powerful antioxidants and nutrients that provide incredible benefits to the body. Studies have shown that Green tea can enhance memory performance. In addition, Green tea can aid in digestion, help support the immune system, contribute to strong circulatory health, and is also associated with weight loss as well as controlling excessive appetite.

  • Rich in Antioxidants*
  • Enhances memory*
  • Supports healthy metabolism*
  • Supports healthy cardiovascular system*
  • Supports healthy immune function*


Guggul Oleo-Resin Powder

This is a derivative from the Commiphora mukul tree. It is a resin powder which has been used as a medicinal plant for thousands of years. It is known as “the great detoxifier” in Ayurveda, as it supports the detoxification of tissues and helps alleviate inflammatory conditions, which can cause aches and discomforts. It also helps break down unwanted deposits and masses.

Aloe Vera Leaf Extract

Aloe Leaf is one of nature’s true wonder in the plant kingdom. Culturally, it has been used all over the world for everything from detoxification and skin care to major internal as well as external imbalances.


  • Rids the body of Skin Rashes*
  • Cools hot and irritated skin*
  • Beneficial to Skin Fungal Disorders*
  • Supports Healing of Acne and Pimples*
  • Restore Healthy Complexion*
  • Helps treat Nail Fungal Growth*
  • Supports Hair Growth*
  • Helps with Irritated Scalp Conditions*
  • Helps with Dry Scalp*
  • Heals Frostbite*
  • Heals Foot Fungal conditions*
  • Treats Mild Burns*
  • Beneficial to Scrapes, Bruises and Cuts*


  • Great as a Mouthwash*
  • Supports Healthy Digestion*
  • Aids in Restoring Digestive Alkalinity*
  • Helps Maintain and Support Healthy Elimination*
  • Helps Detoxify Tissue*
  • Helps Reduce Joint Pain and Stiffness*
  • Assists the Body’s Alkalization Process*
  • Supportive Remedy for Infection of Ear, Nose and throat*
  • Supports Healthy Heart Functions*
  • Helps Maintain and Restore Healthy pulmonary Functions*
  • Support Healthy Liver Functions*
  • Helps with Inflammation and Irritation of Rectal and Vaginal areas*



Wormwood Herb Powder

This herb is commonly used for digestive imbalances, while supporting the health and proper functionality of the liver. Wormwood also supports tissue detoxification as well as eliminates worm infestations and internal fungal growth.

Ado, A. and Ostroumov, A. [Allergy to wormwood pollen in the region of Krasnodar]. Rev.Fr.Allergol. 1968;8(1):29-33. View abstract.

Anderson, J. H. A survey of allergenic airborne pollen and spores in the Fairbanks area, Alaska. Ann.Allergy 1984;52(1):26-31. View abstract.

Anderson, J. H. Allergenic airborne pollen and spores in Anchorage, Alaska. Ann.Allergy 1985;54(5):390-399. View abstract.

Efferth, T. Willmar Schwabe Award 2006: antiplasmodial and antitumor activity of artemisinin–from bench to bedside. Planta Med 2007;73(4):299-309. View abstract.

Gniazdowska, B., Doroszewska, G., and Doroszewski, W. [Hypersensitivity to weed pollen allergens in the region of Bygdoszcz]. Pneumonol.Alergol.Pol. 1993;61(7-8):367-372. View abstract.

Hein, J., Wrase, J., and Heinz, A. [Alcohol-related disorders: etiopathology and therapeutic considerations]. Fortschr.Neurol.Psychiatr. 2007;75(1):10-17. View abstract.

Hien, T. T., VinhChau, N. V., Vinh, N. N., Hung, N. T., Phung, M. Q., Toan, L. M., Mai, P. P., Dung, N. T., HoaiTam, D. T., and Arnold, K. Management of multiple drug-resistant malaria in Viet Nam. Ann.Acad.Med Singapore 1997;26(5):659-663. View abstract.

Holstege, C. P., Baylor, M. R., and Rusyniak, D. E. Absinthe: return of the Green Fairy. Semin.Neurol. 2002;22(1):89-93. View abstract.


Also called Natto, it is a fermented soy based enzyme with a host of beneficial and healing properties. It has been used to support healthy cardio and circulatory conditions. It has a blood thinning ability, due to its formidable property of assisting in the body’s removal of fibrin or plaque type deposits in the blood and arterial areas.

It is supportive and helps improve in the following areas:

  • Circulation*
  • Healthy Cardio Functions*
  • Reduce Pain*
  • Reduction and Elimination of Masses*
  • Healthy Energy levels*


Kelp Powder

Kelp is a seaweed rich in vitamins and minerals. It is very rich in the B vitamins, which support the proper health of the nervous system as well as supports healthy energy levels.
Kelp is also rich in iodine, which supports the health of the glandular system of the thyroid.

  • Supports energy levels*
  • Healthy Detoxification*
  • Supports Healthy nervous system*

Sargassum Seaweed Powder

Considered as one of the “superfoods of the ocean”, it is rich in iodine, mannitol, potassium, crude protein, and amino acids. It is also very rich in taurine, an amino acid used to support a healthy nervous system as well as maintain healthy energy levels. Sargassum is also beneficial in reducing inflammatory conditions as well as supporting a healthy detoxification process.

Organic Barley Grass Juice Powder

This nutrient is loaded with antioxidants to detox the body’s pathways and tissues for longevity and rejuvenation. This brings about an alkaline state internally to support proper health and well-being. It’s rich in Vitamin A, C, and K*, B12*, Plant Protein*, Enzymes and Minerals*

Supports and Helps:

  • Boost Energy Levels*
  • Healthy Nervous System*
  • Maintain and Restore Healthy Cardiovascular System*

  • Healthy Digestion*
  • The Body’s Elimination System*
  • Healthy Body Weight*


Organic Chlorella Cracked Cell Wall Powder

Chlorella is a whole-food based supplement which is very effective in the detoxification process within the body. It is rich in, Chlorophyll*, and Vitamin B*


Cellular Support Blend

Supports and Helps:

  • Oxygenates the Tissues*
  • Boosts your Immune System*,

When Chlorella is consumed internally it removes these toxins from the body:

  • Neutralizes Bad Air*
  • Eliminates Bad Breath*
  • Helps Increase Energy Levels*
  • Supports Mental Clarity*
  • Purifies the Blood*
  • Detoxifies the Tissues*
  • Supports Healthy Liver Functions*
  • Supports Healthy Digestion*
  • Maintains Healthy Elimination*


Organic Spirulina Algae Powder

Spirulina has a very high concentration of iron, is excellent during pregnancy and for those with anemic conditions, and it will not cause constipation. The proteins and nutrients in Spirulina include: vitamins B1(thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (nicotinamide), B6 (pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid), vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin A and vitamin E. It is also a source of potassium, calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, sodium, and zinc.


Organic Asparagus Root Powder

Asparagus is one of those nutrient rich vegetables that contain a multitude of health benefits. Its properties are very cooling, and it is rich in the B Vitamins. It is also rich in antioxidants, such as lutein, zeaxanthin, carotenes, and crypto-xanthins. This combination of antioxidants works cohesively to help the body remove harmful oxidant free radicals thereby supporting the aging process naturally. Asparagus also has a diuretic effect and therefore supports proper health of the Urinary Bladder as well as that of the kidneys.

Other Supportive Benefits are:rejuvenate-text

  • Support healthy Immunity*
  • Antioxidants*
  • Supports Removal of Oxidative Stress*
  • Supports Healthy Bladder Functions*
  • Helps Remove Bladder Infections*
  • Helps Reduce Inflammation*
  • Supports Healthy Cardiovascular functions*
  • Supports Healthy Energy Levels*
  • Helps Maintain Healthy Circulation*
  • Helps Reduce Swellings*
  • Helps Eliminate Fluid Retention*


Organic Broccoli Sprouts Powder

Rich in Vitamin B 6*, Vitamin C*, and antioxidants with a slew of phytochemicals which is responsible for sensory stimulation such as color, flavor, and smell. Broccoli is also a good source of Lutein (supports healthy vision and the health of the liver) and Sulforaphane (exhibits anti-tumor and microbial properties).

Supports and Helps:

  • Healthy Liver Functions*
  • Healthy Heart Functions*
  • Eye Health*

  • Digestion*
  • Detoxification with an Anti-tumor effect*
  • Reduce inflammatory conditions*


Organic Collards Leaf Powder

Wonderfully nutritious collard leaves are very low in calories providing only 30 calories per 100 g and contain no cholesterol. However, its green leaves contain a very good amount of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber that help control LDL levels (bad cholesterol) and offer protection against hemorrhoids, constipation, and colon inflammatory diseases.


Organic Spinach Leaf Powder

Spinach helps strengthen our immune system, boost energy levels, and provide our bodies with necessary vitamins and minerals. Spinach is a good source of Lutein, Protein, Iron, Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Sodium, Folic Acid, Manganese, Calcium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Beta-carotene, Potassium, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Carotenoids, Niacin, Chlorophyll, Antioxidants, Phytochemicals and Lipoic acid.


Organic Cauliflower Flower Powder

Cauliflower is rich in antioxidants to help support healthy tissue oxygenation, reducing and eliminating the formation of cellular masses and tumors.

Supports and Helps:memory-drink

  • Healthy Tissue Regeneration*
  • Healthy Digestion*
  • Healthy Immunity*
  • Healthy Cardio System*
  • Mental Clarity*
  • Healthy Bone Matrix (presence of Vit. K)*
  • Reducing the Risk of Breast and Reproductive masses*
  • Detoxification of Cellular Oxidation*
  • Maintain Regularity*
  • Reduce Inflammation*
  • Maintain Healthy Weight*
  • Healthy Sleep Patterns*


Organic Parsley Leaf Powder

Benefits include controlling tumorous conditions, blood sugar imbalances, and inflammatory joint and muscle conditions, along with helping to prevent degenerative bone disorders. Furthermore, it acts as a pain reliever with anti-inflammatory properties. It provides relief from gastrointestinal issues such as indigestion, stomach cramps, bloating, and nausea, while helping to strengthen the immune system.


Organic Ginger Root Powder

One of the most popular spices in the world, used from baking goods to cooking and even drinks and desserts. Ginger has been used by many cultures for the treatment and support of the digestive system. It helps reduce bloating, gas, as well as symptoms of nausea. It also helps in the assimilation of nutrition or nutrient dense products without causing any digestive discomforts.risk-free

  • Supports healthy digestion*
  • Helps absorption of nutrients*
  • Helps reduce bloating and gas*
  • Supports healthy energy levels*
  • Supports clarity*

Power – Shroom Blend

Reishi Mushroom Powder, Turkey Tails Mushroom Powder, Cordyceps Mushroom Powder, Maitake Mushroom Powder, Shiitake Mushroom Powder

Mushrooms are reputed for revitalizing the body and all its functions. It has been a cultural delicacy for many Asian and European cultures. However, it’s not just based on taste but more-so its medicinal properties. Mushrooms support the health of the immune system, help boosts energy levels, and support healthy tissue detoxification.

Amla Fruit Powder

Amla Berry is revered in Ayurveda (India’s Ancient Medicinal System) as a Rasayana. This means it is one of the most potent and powerful nutritional foods in the plant kingdom and a rich antioxidant*. It is also respected as one of the best health and longevity promoting foods. Amla is one of the richest source of vitamin C, having more than 20 times that of oranges. Hence the reason it is used for supporting a healthy immune system.

Supports and Helps: Reduce Oxidative Stress Conditions*, a Healthy Heart*, a Healthy Lung* Restore Energy Levels*, a Healthy Immune System*, Alkalizes the Body*, Proper Digestion*, Healthy liver Functions*, Healthy Vision*, in Detoxification*, Restore Vital Fluids*


Cabbage Palm Fruit Powder

Called Acai berry, this fruit is also known as one of the king or super fruits of the Amazon. It is very rich in antioxidants, more so than the average blueberry, blackberry etc. Acai is also fiber dense and rich in heart healthy fats. Being so rich in fiber, it is commonly used in western cultures for weight loss as well as oxidative stress conditions. Many cosmetic companies are harnessing its rich antioxidant properties in anti-aging creams and serums.

Supports and Helps:

  • Heart Health*
  • Weight Management*
  • Healthy Digestion*

  • Detoxification*
  • Maintain Regularity*
  • Healthy Skin and Complexion*


Bilberry Fruit Powderyoga

In Western cultures bilberry is considered the visionary fruit or berry because of its nutrient rich properties. Bilberry is rich in antioxidants, one specifically called anthocyanosides. This specific antioxidant is very effective in the production of red blood cells as well as having the capacity to reinforce the capillary walls while strengthening the blood vessels. In doing so, it enhances blood circulation to support the nourishing of the tendons and ligaments.

Supports and Helps:

  • Healthy Liver Functions*
  • Healthy Vision*
  • Maintain Proper Circulation*
  • Maintaining Healthy Blood Sugar Levels*
  • Healthy Blood Pressure Levels*
  • Healthy Kidney Functions*
  • Healthy Cardio Functions*
  • Healthy Memory and Mental Functions*


Blueberry Fruit Powder

Second to strawberry as the most popular berry consumed in the west, blueberry is rich in antioxidants. It is purported to be one of the most nutrient dense foods in the world with one of the highest antioxidant values. Not only is it great tasting but it is used in a variety of culinary presentations, from baked goods to cooked foods.

Supports and Helps: Health Weight Management*, Anti Aging and Rejuvenative*, Healthy Digestion*, Restore and Maintain Healthy Skin*, Heart Health*, with Focus and Cognitive Awareness*


Oat Beta Glucan

Beta Glucan is a soluble fiber and has been used to enhance the immune system and lower blood sugar and supports the treatment of circulatory imbalances. It also helps to reduce excessive cravings while supporting the maintenance of healthy weight.

  • Boosts the Immune System*Cellular-Order
  • Support Healthy Blood Sugar Levels*
  • Support Healthy Cardio Functions*
  • Aid in Weight Management*


Apple Pectin Powder

Pectin is a valuable tool in detoxing the body and ridding it of damaging contaminants such as heavy metals and chemicals. It does this by binding these invasive substances and enabling the body to eliminate these toxins. Fruit pectin has also been shown to support healthy circulation as well as aid in the maintenance of healthy blood sugar levels.

  • Healthy Brain*
  • Supports natural detoxification*
  • Supports Healthy Blood Sugar Levels*
  • Supports Healthy Cardio Functions*


Brown Rice Bran

Benefits of brown rice include a better function of the cardiovascular system, digestive system, brain, and nervous system. It contains a powerful amount of antioxidants which provides a relief for conditions such as elevated blood pressure levels and unhealthy areas of blood circulation imbalances, stress, mental depression and skin disorders. It can be effective for unwanted masses, obesity, blood sugar imbalances, neuro disorder, sleep, and emotional imbalances. It also helps maintain healthy bones and a stronger immune system.


Flax Seed Powder

Flaxseed is a rich source of fiber as well as omega 3. It supports the health of the cardiovascular system as well as that of the memory with focus and mental clarity. Flax seed also supports the digestive and elimination system, used to rid the body of unwanted and toxic materials.

Ashwagandha Root Powder

One of the most respected herbs in Ayurveda, or the Ancient Medicine system of India. Also called “Indian Ginseng”, it has remarkable stress adaptogenic properties. It works well in supporting the health and well-being of the nervous system, and in doing so, brings about a very serene and tranquil nature. The effects are sometimes very profound, as it also supports healthy sleeping patterns and habits.stevia

  • Supports Healthy Immune System*
  • Supports Healthy Aging*
  • Boosts Energy Levels*
  • Supports Healthy Vigor*
  • Helps Maintain and Restore Vitality*
  • Supports Healthy Libido Functions*
  • Helps Reduce Stress Levels*
  • Calms the Mind*
  • Supports Cognitive Faculties*
  • Restores Focus*
  • Supports Healthy Digestive Functions*
  • Healthy Kidney Functions*
  • Healthy Adrenal Functions*
  • Helps Reduce Inflammation*
  • Eliminates Bodily Discomforts*
  • Supports Cellular anti-tumor Activity*


Astragalus Root Powder

Astragalus is one of the most respected herbs in the Chinese Medicine Pharmacopeia. It has a strong effect in boosting the immune system to aid in recovery of different ailments. It also has the innate effect of supporting the body on a maintenance level to prohibit the individual from having any immune deficiency disorders. This herb also has a cellular restorative effect on the bodily tissues as well as organ system.

  • Supports Healthy Immunity*
  • Supports Seasonal Health Imbalances*
  • Cellular Restorative*

  • Healthy Respiratory Effects*
  • Healthy Cardiovascular Support*
  • Supports Cellular Anti-tumor Activity*


Eleuthero Root Powder

Also known as Siberian Ginseng, this remarkable tonic is very useful in supporting the health and benefits of the immune system while alleviating conditions of stress and emotional discomforts.


Bromelain is an enzyme extracted from the pineapple. It is a strong detoxifier and an effective digestive aid. It is more so known for its anti-inflammatory properties and can be used both internally as well as externally. Internally, it supports conditions dealing with the lung, stomach, colon, etc. It also supports the reduction of inflammation to muscle and joints due to trauma, aging, or other imbalances.

Supports and Helps:

  • Healthy Digestion*
  • Healthy Metabolic Functions*

  • ENT Inflammatory Conditions*
  • Reduce Inflammation both Internally and Externally*



Also called the papaya enzyme, it is very alkalizing to the body, supporting the health of the digestive system. It is very effective in the treatment of inflammatory conditions as well as supporting conditions where fluid retention is involved. Papain is used as a supportive digestive aid to help with ENT inflammatory conditions as well as the throat and respiratory regions. Because of its effectiveness in inflammatory conditions and its subtle nature, it is also used in cosmetic products for its ability to support healthy skin and complexion.

  • Supports healthy Digestion*Order-cellular-CTA
  • Helps Maintain Healthy Metabolic Functions*
  • Helps Reduce Inflammation*
  • Supports Healthy Liver Functions*
  • Helps Reduce Stomach Acidity*
  • Helps Maintain Healthy Skin*
  • Aids in Reducing the Signs of Aging*
  • Helps Reduce aches*



This enzyme, called amylase, is primarily responsible for the breaking down and conversion of starches to sugars. It is an enzyme which is produced in the pancreas and is released into the small intestine during the digestive process. It is also produced in the saliva, which is its first manifested point. Hence the importance in gradually chewing your food for maximum digestive effects.



This is the enzyme which breaks down fats in the foods we consume on a daily basis. An ample supply of this allows us to metabolize the consumptive fats easily supporting healthy body weights.



Since the western culture consumes a great deal of protein, especially animal protein, the digestive system must operate at full potential to support the metabolizing function of this process. Protease is the best enzyme for the breaking down of protein so the metabolic function can be optimal. Not only does it break down protein but it also supports the breaking down of fibrin in the blood and vessels whereby enhancing the circulatory system.meditate

Beneficial qualities of protease include:

  • Supports Healthy Digestion*
  • Supports Healthy Circulation*
  • Helps reduce Inflammation*
  • Aids in elimination of toxins*
  • Supports Healthy Immune System*


Lactobacillus Acidophilus

This bacteria is found in the mouth, stomach, intestine and vaginal area. Poor dietary habits as well as over-consumption of medication or antibiotics, leads to a deficiency in the system. This leads to digestive issues, irritated colon, inflamed bowels, vaginal irritation, or inflammation. The supportive use of this bacteria aids in the recovery process.


Streptococcus Thermophilus

This powerful probiotic has many health benefits. It has been shown that S. Thermophilus helps improve digestion and supports a healthy immune system.


Bifidobacterium Brevis

Bifidobacterium helps protect the body from important nutrient deficiencies. It does this by aiding in the synthesis of B-complex vitamins and vitamin K in the intestines.This Bifidobacterium type bacteria lives in the intestine, supporting the colon health from situations such as frequent bowel movements and inflammatory conditions. They are also very helpful in cases of using too much antibiotics.


Lactobacillus Bulgaricus

Another healthy bacteria which resides in our intestinal tract. A beneficial role of this bacteria is to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria in the intestine while stimulating the growth of beneficial bacteria. L Bulgaricus also resides in the Urinary Tract as well as the vaginal area, and supports the health of these areas against inflammation and infections.


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Cellular Support Blend

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